Assignment #3 - light and shadow

Due Tuesday, February 22 (in class)

CS 99D - The Science of Art
Winter Quarter, 2000
Marc Levoy
Handout #8

Your third assignment is to write a 3-4 page double-spaced paper on one of the topics listed in the first section below. Alternatively, you may do one of the projects described in the last section (whether or not you did a project for the previous assignment). You may also choose another topic or project if you clear it with me in advance.

The format and rules for this assignment are the same as in the first two. Those of you who have not yet presented in class must do so this time.

Writing projects

Some non-writing projects

Heads-up about final projects

It's time to start thinking about your final project. If you plan to work in a team, start looking for a partner. During the next week, I'll add some more suggestions to the online list of project ideas. Almost anything goes for this project, so feel free to invent a project of your own. I'm happy to serve as a sounding board.

A one-page project proposal will be due on Thursday, February 24.
Copyright © 2000 Marc Levoy
Last update: February 13, 2000 09:25:59 PM